Euro Plant Tray Entwicklung





Auf dem Weg zum Euro Plant Tray: Erfahren Sie mehr über die spannende Reise, die zur Entwicklung des Euro Plant Tray geführt hat.

Innovationspreis des Landwirtschaftsministeriums

Euro Plant Tray wurde mit dem Innovationspreis des Ministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft ausgezeichnet.


Nach nur 2 Jahren Entwicklungszeit beginnt die Produktion von EPT Trays.

Bundeskartellamt bestätigt Euro Plant Tray

Am 8.5.2024 schliesst das Bundeskartellamt die Prüfung der Euro Plant Tray Genossenschaft mit positivem Bericht ab.

PPWR genehmigt

Am Mittwoch, den 24. April 2024, hat das EU-Parlament die PPWR mit großer Mehrheit angenommen. Die Vorschriften der Verordnung über Verpackungen und Verpackungsabfälle werden am 1. Januar 2030 in Kraft treten.


Sie können jetzt EPT 400 Trays für die Lieferung ab Sommer 2024 bestellen. Machen Sie sich bereit, Ihre Abfallreduzierung zu maximieren!

Finales Setup

Die Mitglieder der Euro Plant Tray eG werten die Testergebnisse aus und beschließen, ab dem Frühsommer 2024 zwei EPT 400-Modelle einzuführen.

Praxistest & weiteres Wachstum

Die Trays werden in verschiedenen Supply Chains in Deutschland und den Niederlanden ausführlich getestet. Gleichzeitig wird weiteres Feedback gesammelt von Mitgliedern und anderen Marktparteien mit dem Ziel, ein zukunftfähiges Produkt zu entwickeln.

Ende Mai zählt die Euro Plant Tray eG bereits 30 Mitglieder aus Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich, Norwegen, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz.

Launch der EPT Test Trays

Auf der IPM in Essen stellt die Euro Plant Tray eG die neu entwickelten Trays mit viel positiver Resonanz dem Fachpublikum vor. Die österreichische  Bellaflora Gartencenter GmbH wird EPT Mitglied. 

Mietsysteme & Poolmanagement

Die Partner diskutieren über zukünftige gewünschte Mietsysteme und die von den Marktteilnehmern erwarteten Dienstleistungen. Gespräche mit möglichen Pool Operatoren beginnen.

Auswahl der Test-Trays

Die Partner entscheiden sich für 2 Tray Modelle, die im Frühjahr 2023 in einem ausführlichen Test auf Herz und Nieren getestet werden sollen. Im engen Austausch mit den Tray Produzenten werden die Modelle vor Beginn der Null-Serien Produktion gemeinsam optimalisiert.

Gründung der Euro Plant Tray eG in Köln

Am 23.8.2022 gründen die Grosshandelsorganisationen BGI und VGB, die Grosshändler FleuraMetz/FM Group, mvb plants worldwide Marktverband Bremen GmbH und Sagaflor sowie die Handelshäuser OBI, BAUHAUS und Hornbach die Euro Plant Tray eG in Köln.


Helmut Rödiger
Head of Buying Garden

"We are proud to be a co-initiator of an industry-wide reusable system that makes it possible to demonstrably reduce plastic waste significantly and thus actively make a sustainable contribution in terms of the circular economy."

Thomas Fischer
Director Circular Economy
Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.

"DUH clearly demonstrated the importance of ecological solutions in horticulture at a symposium in 2021. We are therefore very pleased to see that EPT is following this path, which is necessary for climate protection and waste avoidance, and is implementing reusable packaging as a European industry solution. We very much welcome the decision of the industry participants and can only appeal to all market participants to follow this path."

Jens Oldenburg
Managing Director

"As a European industry solution, Euro Plant Tray eG is an absolute beacon for the idea of reusable packaging. In view of growing mountains of waste and a looming climate catastrophe, this commitment from the Green Sector for a sustainable use of resources is exemplary. I very much hope that other market participants will also join this initiative."

Matthijs Mesken
Managing Director

"VGB, as the representative of Dutch wholesalers, is a member of Euro Plant Tray eG as we are convinced that we have to work together across Europe for a clear positioning on sustainability. This is the only way we can break the flow of plastic waste and work responsibly towards a green future."

Werner Thielen
Managing Director
Intermarkt Thielen

"We are pleased that we, as a plant system logistics provider and sought-after partner, can help develop the supply chain between the producers and the sales outlets throughout Europe for an industry-wide reusable system."

Christian Müller
Managing Director
Mvb Plants Worldwide

"Being part of the decision-makers in this project is very close to our hearts. Only in a large community can we take the right steps for more sustainability in the future."

Jutta Lehmann
Group Purchasing Manager Garden

"We are a sustainable company, so it was clear to us from the very beginning that we want to be actively involved in an industry-wide reusable system to significantly reduce plastic waste. For me it is also a matter close to my heart to actively participate."

Georg Weber
Dehner Holding

"Inherently inspiring – Dehner can only fulfil this promise if we also take special care of nature. By joining Euro Plant Tray eG, we are taking a big step closer to this goal. Together with our alliance partners, we want to actively participate in the development of a reusable system that makes plant sales more sustainable and resource-efficient."

Martin Engler
Managing Director

"We are pleased to be part of the industry's path towards a standard reusable system. It is quite clear to us that the future must belong to reusable systems. It is essential to walk this path with many other market participants. The opportunity for the green sector to bring the issue of reusable packaging to the finish line has never been so realistic before."

Timo Huwer
Management spokesman
Globus Fachmärkte

"With our participation in this initiative, we want to significantly reduce single-use plastic waste. The responsible use of resources and environmental protection are of utmost concern for us. Corresponding measures are implemented as part of our sustainability strategy."

Dr. Peter O. Wüst
Managing Director, 
BHB - Handelsverband Heimwerken, Bauen und Garten e.V.

"A contemporary answer to a real environmental issue is: Euro Plant Tray eG. The DIY and garden center sector has joined forces with the BHB and is working intensively to move away from single-use waste. The next steps in EPT are clear and I am looking forward to its progress towards European and nationwide implementation."

Felix Thun-Hohenstein
Managing Director

"Sustainability concerns us all and together we can achieve much more. As the green number 1 with nature, bellaflora has long been committed to sustainable gardening. The introduction of reusable trays is the next essential step in environmental protection. We are pleased to be able to effect change on an international level together with our project partners."

Marc Goudzwaard
Manager Supply Chain & Logistic Means
Royal FloraHolland

"Royal FloraHolland has decided to join Euro Plant Tray eG in order to contribute with our expertise and experience to the introduction of a functioning reusable pool system. We are at the beginning of the transition from single-use plant trays to reusable trays with the aim of a sustainable supply chain in horticulture. It is important for us to represent the interests of our members in the development of this new European industry standard." 

Hans-Gerd Cox
Managing Director
Gebrüder Cox GmbH

"Euro Plant Tray represents a collaborative solution for the whole industry, not another isolated stand-alone solution. We feel responsible and want to make our contribution to sustainability and plastic savings within the cooperative and thus actively collaborate with our producers and customers."

Michiel de Haan
Managing Director (until Ocotober 2023)
Royal Lemkes

"From the beginning of EPT we have supported the initiative  via the VGB as Dutch Accelerators as it supports Royal Lemkes’ dream towards “Positive Plants” which includes drastically reducing singular plastics towards a circular sector."

Benoit Strauven
Managing Director

"Joining this EPT initiative is evident for Floréac, due to our intrinsic motivation to make the world a better place. We count on all sector partners to make this transition to a sustainable sector."

Johannes Kronenberg
Managing Director
Landgard Blumen und Pflanzen

"Landgard has joined Euro Plant Tray eG to support the further development towards an industry-wide reusable tray system. We have been in close contact with Euro Plant Tray eG and the previous working groups from the beginning, so we are now taking this step to support a joint industry solution. As part of Euro Plant Tray eG, Landgard will play an active role in shaping the development and will also contribute existing know-how from its intensive involvement with the topic of reusable trays."

Steffen Vahldiek
Vahldiek AG

"In the future, there will be no way around sustainability, consequently we also want to contribute to the protection of our environmental and join in order to make the green industry more sustainable. The best way to achieve results is doing this together, just like the Euro Plant Tray team is tackling this."

Gudmund Baustad
AS Blomsterringen Engros

As the first Scandinavian partner, Blomsterringen will contribute together with leading European partners in Euro Plant Tray eG to standardize a system for reusing trays. This will contribute to a significant reduction in the use of disposable plastic trays, which significantly saves the environment and resource use.

Peter Pohl

"We are proud to be a part of Euro Plant Tray. Sustainability is one of three core focus points of our corporate culture. Thus, it was clear to us from the very beginning to contribute actively tomake  the green industry more climate-friendly through a Europe-wide reusable system. This is a responsibility we have towards ourselves and we are happy to take part in this."

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Euro Plant Tray eG

Taubenstr. 26

10117 Berlin

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